Welcome To Omniscient Aviators

Omniscient Aviators has a global pool of expert technical personnel available to support our customers. Our team can provide turnkey services for Airlines and Aircraft Leasing companies during the Redelivery, Lease return and Transition process. In addition, our team can support Pre purchase Inspections, Mid-Lease Audits, Physical surveys and Technical Lease reviews.


Aircraft and Engines are very high valued Asset. The market value of these high valued Asset is completely dependent on the physical condition, Maintenance performed and proper records of continuing maintenance. Omniscient Aviators offers bouquet of services to manage your asset to maintain the Asset value and marketability. We constantly monitor your asset by conducting regular physical inspections and documentations Audits. We liaise on your behalf with Airlines for smooth redeliveries of your asset at EOL.

Lease Management

  1. Annual/ Mid Term Lease Management
  2. Aircraft Transitions
  3. Aircraft Delivery / Redelivery
  4. Aircraft Record Management

Technical / Physical Inspections

  1. Aircraft Delivery
  2. Aircraft Redelivery / Returns
  3. Aircraft Maintenance Audit

Aircraft Delivery/Pre purchase inspections

  1. Comprehensive records review & physical inspection to ensure compliance with delivery conditions
  2. Reporting & resolving Noncompliance issues in timely manner
  3. Coordination for Aircraft delivery to lessees / operators

Aircraft Redelivery

  1. In-depth records review alongwith thorough physical inspection to confirm compliance with redelivery conditions
  2. Liaise with Technical Management Team
  3. Reporting & resolving non-compliance issues
  4. Coordinate inspection for next operator/lessor

Aircraft Records Digitization

  1. Aircraft Records digitization & Indexing
  2. Records life cycle management
  3. Records Inventory listing
  4. Records Audit

Aviation Asset Management

  1. Transition Management
  2. Technical Management
  3. Aircraft Redelivery
  4. MR monitoring

Engine Management Services


  1. Engine Physical Inspections
  2. LLP Back to Birth Traceability
  3. SB/AD Evaluation
  4. Borescope Inspections
  5. Borescope report Evaluation

Assorted Aviation services


  1. Cabin Interiors Modification Program
  2. Aviation Training and consultancy
  3. EOL Aircraft Tear Down support
  4. Components support